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Meet Our Team

Megan Grupe

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As a facilitator, Megan consciously creates learning communities and experiences that call on compassion, mindfulness, play, tinkering, making, and creativity. At the root of her motivations in education, lies a strong desire to connect people to nature as a way to heal our bond with mother earth, ourselves, and empower care and consideration for all beings.


Kirsten Dallimore

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Exploring nature and teaching how to appreciate and have an experience in the natural world is what makes Kirsten feel fully alive. Learning and teaching about how to connect deeper with nature and gain a sense of place on this earth is what has grounded Kirsten to pursue her passion for environmental and outdoor place-based learning.


Adrianne, Megan, and Kirsten are all BC certified teachers and hold current First Aid and CPR C certification.

Our varied backgrounds include classroom teaching experience, educational programming with non-profit organizations both in Canada and the US, and we are connected by our love of the natural world and a desire to find our place within it.


Feel free to connect with us to find out more about our fantastic team! 


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