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Join us for the Classrooms to Communities BC Nature Education Network Conference October 22,2021

Jade Coast Learning is excited to be facilitating the workshop "Exploring a Framework for Nature-connected Learning" this year at the C2C conference taking place online Friday, October 22, 2021. The session will bring educators together from across BC to collaborate on ways to integrate nature-connected learning into their teaching practice. Facilitators will be supporting participants to engage in sharing success stories of experiential place-based learning. The workshop will create space for discussion and collaboration in building a nature-connected learning framework that can be used province-wide by formal and informal educators.

We all have different experiences that shape our understanding of what nature connected learning looks, smells, sounds and feels like. This workshop is about exploring these ideas and supporting each other to dive deeper into the why and how of integrating nature connection into your teaching practice. We will be exploring how our own needs, edges and intentions and well as our learners' needs, edges and intentions are important to consider when supporting nature-connected learning.

Together we will be exploring our own personal journeys in connecting with nature and sharing how certain practices have impacted our outdoor co-learning experience. Participants will actively engage in hands-on nature connection practices, share success stories and collaborate on the development of a nature connection framework model that can be shared across BC and around the world.

We invite you to join Jade Coast virtually between 2:15-3:15 (PST) on October 22nd.

This conference brings together an incredible community of educators connected to the land & sea. Visit to register for the conference and learn more about the variety of workshops that will take place throughout the whole day.

If you have additional questions about the C2C conference & nature-connected learning, please feel free to connect with us!


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